Go “car-lite” by carpooling or vanpooling for Car Free Day. Visit Commuter Connections to find rideshare partners, or help joining an existing carpool or vanpool. Download the CarpoolNow app for on-demand carpooling services and start connecting in real time to others who want to share a ride.

Bicycling is a healthy, quiet, clean, economical, and fun way to get to where you need to go. Thousands of DC area residents, employees, and students travel by bicycle every day for work, play, school, errand, etc. Visit Washington Area Bicyclist Association, Capital Bikeshare, and Washington DC Regional Bike Guide, Bike Map, and Bike Router (scroll down and select “Commuters” then “Bicycling”).

Walking is a great way to and burn calories instead of burning gas! Visit Map my Walk to find printable walking maps of any city.

Ask your supervisor if you can telework on Car Free Day.